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Issues, bugs & improvment ideas

Feel free to contribute, notably by filing issues for feedback, bug reports, or links to further lemmatization lists, rules and tests.

You can also contribute to this lemmatization list repository.

Contributing to the code

Pull requests are welcome.

Before creating the pull request, please ensure that it pass all the quality checks:

# Install dev dependencies
pip install -r
# Check code style
black --check --diff simplemma training tests
# Check typings
mypy -p simplemma -p training -p tests
# Run tests
pytest --cov=./ --cov-report=xml

Also, if your PR changes needs documentation changes, see the next section.

Contributing to documentation


Install dev dependencies

pip install -r

Build mkdocs

mkdocs build

Check typings

mypy -p simplemma -p training -p tests

Run tests

pytest --cov=./ --cov-report=xml